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07 October, 2011

Principal Matters

We have completed the 1st 6 weeks of school and by now you should have received your child’s progress report. It is critical to support your child’s success in their classes. For those who are off to a strong start, continue to reinforce the efforts that helped make this a reality. For students who did not start this year with strong academic marks, it is time to take a more assertive role in ensuring that they maintain passing grades.
As a reminder, we have the Homework Club after school Monday, Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the Library. Athletes have Study Hall twice a week, and most teachers are available at lunch and after school. You can also make sure you register and check Schoolloop regularly as most of our teachers post classroom assignments and grades. Our goal is to use Schoolloop as our main communication tool and your use of this tool will prove most beneficial for you and your child.
Likewise, we are moving into the early enrollment window and we will host our 8th Grade Family Night November 3rd at 6:30pm, so please let your family and friends know about Capuchino if they are shopping for high schools. We will also host IB Parent Tours on October 4, November 16, and December 7th to give you an opportunity to see IB in action. See our website for more in-formation. Likewise, 8th Grade Shadow dates are set for Oct.11, 13, 18th.

Mrs. Shanks

9th Graders Visit SF State

Our school goal states that all students will graduate demonstrating the knowledge and skills necessary to be prepared for college and career and a major goal for our school is to make sure we establish a college-going culture. With this in mind, on Wednesday October 5th, close to 100 freshman will visit San Francisco State University, hosted by Project Connect. They will meet with students from SF. State to learn what college life is about and what the admission process is like. Freshman who don’t attend this trip will be invited to go to UC Berkeley for a similar experience.

Preparing for College Begins Now

On Oct. 12th all students will participate in CHS’ second annual college testing day. This is a minimum day for students and great opportunity for students to receive feedback on their performance on these important tests. The day provides students an opportunity to practice taking tests necessary for high school graduation and college admission and placement. In addition to preparing students for college, the top scorers on one of the tests, the PSAT may be eligible for National Merit Scholarships. These tests are given on October 12th because that is the date set by the College Board for giving the PSAT.
The tests and costs are as follows: 9th graders take the English Common Assessment and a practice California High School Exit Exam: cost= free. 10th graders take the PLAN, which is a practice for the ACT, a college admissions test: cost= $10, payable to Ms. Lynn in the College and Career Center. 11th graders take the PSAT, which is the preliminary SAT, a college admissions test: cost=$21 payable to Ms. Lynn in the College and Career Center, 12th graders take a practice EAP (early assessment program), the EAP is used to determine college level place-ment in math and English classes: cost=free.
Please pay your fees to Ms. Lynn if you have not already done so, and "bring your best, expect success" on October 12th.

-Mr. Montgomery

Homecoming 2011: Go Big or Go Home!

The stampede is back and the mustangs are ready to celebrate homecoming once again with this year’s theme, “Go Big or Go Home!” Homecoming is a time for our students to show school spirit and for alumni to “return home” and rejoice with our school. There are several events that will take place on Homecoming Week, October 11th – 15th. Students are encouraged to dress-up each day according to the theme, which includes their favorite cartoon character, fancy attire, injury day, and of course, green and gold on Friday. Special events this week include Power Puff Football on Wednesday after school, the JV football game on Thursday at 3:15pm, student rally on Friday, and the Home-coming Dance on Saturday, October 15th at 7:00pm in the Upper Gym. We invite the Mustang community to join the fun on Friday, October 14th for the annual Homecoming Parade and Varsity Football Game! The parade starts at 3:15 followed by the student rally. Students will present their class murals and homecoming wagons! The homecoming football game against El Camino High School will start at 4:00pm. The fun will continue at half-time when we will present the homecoming court and enjoy music by the Capuchino Band. The Spirit Squad will also perform at half-time. There will be plenty of food, fun and green and gold glitter – we hope to see you there!

- Mrs.Navarro