We are in full swing of 2nd semester and with that movement, there are several upcoming events that you should be aware of. First, I am happy to announce that the month of February is “Have a Heart” month and our ASB and administration will be facilitating events that bring awareness to issues like anti-bullying and providing blood to those in need during our annual Blood Drive. Please continue to check schoolloop.com for additional details.
It is this same heart that goes into our student athletes who participate in Spring sports including basketball, softball, soccer, baseball, swimming, wrestling, cheer and track. Our students continue to demonstrate their commitment to our school and to their own personal development. And now after a long wait, our community will finally be able to get a sneak peek of the new main gym as we will host the final 2 basketball games in that facility. We also enter a season of high stakes testing as, our 10th graders will take the High School Exit Exam on Feb.7-8, followed by STAR tests coming after Spring Break.
In efforts to continue to promote our IB program, we are hosting two spring IB Parent Tours coming Feb. 1st and Feb.13th. Please RSVP with Rosa Ortiz at rortiz@smuhsd.org. And finally, our Spring program-ming is set to begin with our current 11th graders and they will register for classes for next year at the end of February. The counselors will meet with each student to ensure they are signed up for college preparatory classes, so please anticipate the course sheet at home and discuss this with your child. Clearly, there is a lot going on, so please stay connected and I look forward to seeing you soon!
-Mrs. Shanks